Refund policy
At Web Scraper, we strive to provide exceptional service. However, we understand that technical limitations may sometimes prevent a project from being scraped or executed successfully. In such cases, we offer the following refund policy for our subscription services:
Full Refund Eligibility
- Refund Period: You may request a full refund within the first 30 days (one month) of your subscription or during your final month of an active subscription.
- Technical Limitations: The refund applies only if the project cannot be scraped or executed due to a technical limitation of our tool.
- Successful Scraping: If any other scraping or project execution has been completed successfully during the subscription period, refund eligibility will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
How to Request a Refund
To request a refund, please contact our support team at, providing details of your project and any relevant information regarding the technical issue encountered.
Refund Process
Once your refund request is approved, the full subscription amount will be credited back to your original method of payment within 15 business days.
Refunds are only applicable within the first/last 30 days (one month) of your subscription period, and solely for projects that could not be completed due to technical limitations of our tool. If any successful scraping has been completed during the period, the refund request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.